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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Commitments

While working with clients to assist them in managing their environmental and sustainability challenges, EnvEng Group is committed to sustainable business practices within our company.

We recognise that best practices in environment, sustainability, and governance (ESG) are essential to the success of our business and we are dedicated to advancing the concepts of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in all aspects of our operations.

Image by John Salzarulo

Environmental Commitments

Environmental Commitments

EnvEng Group has established a work environment that places a high value on the environment and actively promotes and employs sustainable business practices. Through research, measurement, and education, our business model aims to protect, conserve, and restore the environment and its resources in order to address environmental issues.

Our fundamental sustainability and environmental objectives include:

  • Demonstrating environmental accountability and responsibility while exceeding business, client, and community standards for a sustainable future.

  • Adopting sustainable methods and technology to reduce environmental and other hazards, as well as any negative effects that our operations may have on the environment throughout the course of their existence.

  • Providing environmental management solutions and strategies to minimise construction impacts on the surrounding environment.


In order to implement sustainable practices and reduce environmental impacts as far as is practical, mutual cooperation from our employees and stakeholders is essential. Sustainability is a core value within our corporate culture, and consequently management is accountable for all sustainability and environmental issues within our control, as directed by the Board.


We seek to identify and reduce environmental hazards connected to our daily operations by:

  • Understanding and complying with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards.

  • Utilising natural resources responsibly.

  • Establishing driving environmental objectives.

To verify our commitments, EnvEng Group:

  • Maintains independent certification and verification through recognised programs to achieve our sustainability commitments.

  • Is a member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council to support sustainability outcomes in infrastructure.

  • Will demonstrate sustainability leadership in an industry which is responsible for half of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and is the largest employer in Australia.

  • Has an active Sustainability Committee that constantly considers company-wide adjustments that can be taken to improve environmental performance. It is dedicated to encouraging sustainable habits among its personnel.

Social and Governance Commitments

Our charter and employee ownership model place a strong emphasis on giving back to the customers, stakeholders, and communities in which we operate. We regularly examine social effect in our decision-making because we believe it to be essential to the growth and profitability of our company.

We implement these practices through our modern business policies and procedures, which include the Code of Conduct, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.


EnvEng Group’s mission is to be “a company of empowered people who immerse with our clients and stakeholders to go beyond compliance and challenge the status quo through innovative environmental and sustainability outcomes.”

B Corporation

EnvEng Group is currently applying for certification through B-Corporation and aims to join a large group of businesses that meet the highest standards of demonstrated social and environmental performance, public transparency, and accountability to balance profit and purpose.


B Corps are part of a global culture shift to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy and redefine perceptions around what constitutes ‘success’ in business.

Infrastructure Sustainability Accreditation

In addition to Enveng Group’s membership in the Infrastructure Sustainability Council, among our specialists, there are four Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professionals (ISAP) that use their knowledge and experience to provide sustainability value to our clients on infrastructure projects.


The Infrastructure Sustainability Council is a member-based, purpose-led peak body working in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, to enable sustainability outcomes in infrastructure. Being a member and an ISAP provides multiple benefits, such as building sustainability into infrastructure assets, continuously learning, and being up-to-date about the best sustainability practice. It is also an opportunity to build a sustainability network and collaborate with sustainability leaders for the best outcome for our stakeholders.

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