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Asbestos in Soil

Identification, management and remediation of asbestos-in-soil in Western Australia.


Asbestos in Soil

Asbestos can be found in soils all over brownfield areas and greenfield sites. Asbestos in soil is commonly found as a result of either inadequate asbestos removal work and demolition, degradation of a buildings or structures on a site, illegal waste burial and dumping, historical waste burial and past use contaminated fill or topsoil.

If fibres become airborne and are inhaled they pose a risk to the community and to workers on a Project. The level and likelihood of exposure from asbestos in soils depends on various factors.

Non-friable asbestos is asbestos that is bound tightly in a matrix (e.g. asbestos cement fencing, eaves). Friable asbestos refers to asbestos that can be broken up using hand pressure. Friable asbestos presents a greater health risk than non-friable due to the increased chance of fibre release.

Soils contaminated with asbestos must be inspected by a competent person with relevant training, knowledge and experience to undertake the activity. Asbestos is listed in Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste Regulations 2004) as a controlled waste. This means there are various controls that must be implemented when storing, transporting and disposing of asebstos materials or asebstos contaminated soils.

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So, What do Enveng do?

From the very early stages of your Project, our team will assess your needs and scope in relation to potential asbestos risks. Our team will conduct a desktop review of all available soil investigations for your Project site, we will review laboratory, visual and physical findings.

Where investigations have not been carried out yet, dont worry we can organise the scope and type of inspection and assessment needed for the site with the assistance of our occupational hygienist. We like to provide our clients with a report outlining our findings, recommendations and required management practises to be implemented on the Project.

What are we doing that's different from regular consultancies?

Gaps in data can be a huge issue for Project teams tendering on MCP's, however our team is well versed wtih decades of experience in working with Projects facing asbestos challenges and we can offer your Project an edge during tendering by providing your commercial team and project manager with a detailed risk assumption and cost analysis for your asbestos related management options & monitoring on a Project.

Other Services

Our team is experienced with various facets of asbestos management during construction including helping you determine the best procedures and methodologies around ins-situ management, removal, classification and diposal to a licensed facility, specific to your Projects location and the asbestos nature, quanity, distribution, condition and type.

Additionally our team can conduct audits - develop asbestos management plans -develop Asbestos Registers - Conduct Air Monitoring (NATA Accredited) - Develop Monitoring Programs - Asbestos Fibre Counting and Analysis - Clearance inspection and Certificates to confirm remediation - Risk Assessments - Compliance Reviews - Earth Stablisation Solutions - Acquisition asbestos inspections - Due diligence asbestos inspections - Supervision of asbestos removal -Risk management & communication - Asbestos consultancy & policy advice - Awareness & Education


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