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Contaminated Land

Expertise in managing contaminated sites and a wide variety of contaminates.


Contaminated Land

Land contamination can have significant environmental, health, economic and legal impacts to projects, landowners and the greater community. The improper planning or management of contaminated sites can lead to legislative breaches and in addition cause detrimental harm to the surrounding land, surface waters and groundwater as well as the ecosystems that are dependent on these.

The Contaminated Sites Act 2003 regulates the investigation and classification of contaminated sites and is administered by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER). DWER maintain a Contaminated Sites Database and Register, which provides information for classified sites with confirmed (known) contamination and all information on reported known and suspected contaminated sites.

At Enveng we know through experience that practical, site-tailored approaches to contaminated sites management is the most effective solution on Projects.

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So, What do Enveng do?

How we can help
Tendering on Projects requires an understanding of the risks and costs associated with managing contaminated land during construction. Our objective at Enveng, is to provide you with tailored solutions specific to your contaminated site challenges and within a feasible Project budget.

We have determined that costs associated with investigations, assessment, site remediation and/or disposal of contaminated soils tend to be of higher financial risk than the regulatory component of contamination management.

Additonally early considerations of management and reuse can present the Project with opportunities for sustainability credits where projects are aiming for accreditation under the IS Tool (ISCA).

With extensive practical experience Enveng environmental engineers and scientists are able to provide assumptions, risk assessments, construction methodology advice and modelling to the Project team that can aid with commercial and management projections. Early engagement and consultation with a Contaminated Sites Auditor is another key component that Enveng implement.

Offsite or Onsite managment?
With landfill and associated transportation costs increasing each year, applying sustainable solutions for on-site or off-site management of contaminated soils and groundwater is crucial to remain competitive, manage both project and corporate risk and operate in an ethically and environmentally responsible manner. We conduct our work and establish our remediation and management methodologies in accordance with the applicable legislation, Department of Water & Environmental Regulation (DWER) (WA) requirements, National Environmental Protection Measure (NEPM) guidelines and Australian Standards.

Our full scope of services we provide are:

Due Diligence Assessments - Feasibility Assessments - Contaminted Sites Strategic Planning - Sampling & Analysis quality plans - Site Management Plans - Site Remediation planning - Assessment of new and current remediation technologies - Asbestos & Hazardous Materials - Field and Laboratory Analysis (NATA - Accredited) - Interpretation of field and lab data - Conceptual Site Models - Ecological Risk Assessment - Management of Current Remediation Action Plans - Planning for resuse and disposal - Regulatory, Stakeholder & Community consultation - Awareness & Training.


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