We investigate, assess and mange groundwater related challenges for any scale Projects.
Groundwater is a vital freshwater resource for mankind and is used for purposes such as irrigation, mining, agriculture and industrial use. Additonally, groundwater is important to our natural ecosystems, with many species of native fauna and flora soley relying on groundwater for their survival.
Groundwater is an essential baseflow contributer to rivers and lakes and often directly feeds surface water bodies in a drying climate. Groundwater in W.A. is under pressure due to climate changes and an increased demand within the State. These pressures are already having a visible impact on waterways and wetlands. Additonally the falling groundwater levels are leading to water quality problems, including acid sulfate soils and saltwater intrusion.
Groundwater derives from rain that infiltrates the soil bed and trickles into the aquifers below. Aquifers are mostly comprised of sand, limestone, sandstone and heavily fractured granite or rock material that has spaces within the store and transport water. Perth region has three layers of aquifers, a superficial, the confined leederville aquifer and the Confined Yarragadee aquifer.
Projects throughout Western Australia rely on groundwater, much of it from non-renewable sources and additionally many Projects require management and monitoring of groundwater during construction of infrastructure.
So, What do Enveng do?
What sets us apart
Enveng's most unique offering in his sector is delivering a cost analysis and risk assumption matrix for the design, engineering solutions and resource allocation related to groundwater management, monitoring, protection, remediation and rehabilitation (where groundwater is contaminated) during all stages of your Project.
In our experience establishing a sound understanding of your Projects groundwater environment including dependent ecosystems and existing users is essential in establishing a strong tailored groundwater management program
Conducting baseline assessments, risk assessments and groundwater resource assessments specific to your location and groundwater environment early on to reduce the risks associated with legislative breaches, license, permit approval delays and construction delays is our speciality.
Many Projects will require baseline studies and installation of bores and montioring wells, our extensive network of scientists and contractors can provide your project with these services and additonally carry out groundwater explorations and groundwater monitoring and sampling.
In addition, our team is experienced in developing groundwater management plans and stategies to meet state and local legislative constraints and guidelines that will aid your team in delivering successful groundwater managment outcomes.
Need approvals and licenses?
The preparation of 26D and 5C licenses and Section 11, Section 17 and Section 21A permits can be time consuming and tedious and if they are not done thoroughly from the start, they are often held up with DWER, which in turn delays your construction program. For many projects, trying to establish what licenses and permits are even required can be a dilemma.
No need to worry, our team is experienced at assessing the required licenses and permits your project will need and in preparing & submitting the applications to the Department of Water and Environmental Regualtion on your behalf. In additon we can prepare the necessary regualtory and client reporting that is often asssociated with these approvals and licenses.
Other Services
Groundwater exploration, data acquisition, resource assessment, development and management
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) or Water Banking
Groundwater contamination assessment remediation and management
Integrated surface water and groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling
Dewatering investigations and groundwater management for excavations
Acid sulfate soils (ASS) assessment and management